Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Back Again

I've been gone for a while, and now I'm back. I just haven't had time to sit down and blog. I've been super busy making big-kid decisions and being a grown-up, which, incase you guys didn't know this, isn't all that fun.

I have a real job now, working at Macy's selling Womens Shoes. At least I did, I don't know if I still do. I was hired on as a Seasonal Worker and now the season is over. I filled out the "Are you interested in still working for us" survey saying I was but I have yet to hear whether or not I still am. On top of this I'm now the Barn Manager at Shur'tugal Equestrian Centre, which takes up all the time that I'm not selling shoes or doing homework, and sometimes some of the time that I should be doing homework.

As for the aforementioned homework, I'm taking 16 credits this upcoming quarter, but some of them are fluff classes, like Equine Conformation and Performance. Should be fun and easy, and only 2 credit hours.

Lipton is slowly progressing, though because of work and a lack of arena lights I have not been able to rehab him every day as I should so I've voulentarily dropped his rehab back by one month. This means that Feburary he can go back to work. I'm thinking we may not even be trying out this year at this rate, but we'll see. He is super sound though, he's just going crazy not being allowed to do anything.

I have a woman from California interested in Abby, which is very good, and I've decided to sell Stef. If anybody knows of a person looking for a Thoroughbred Broodmare who is approved Trakehner send them my way.

I guess that's really all I have for right now. I'll try to be better at this blogging thing. Sigh.