Sunday, March 1, 2009

Epiclly Epic Clinic

Inky and I did the 4-H Advanced Hunter Clinic today. We both lived, thank god, though once or twice he had no reason to save my ass and he did anyways. It would have been far less effort for him to just stop and let me fly into the fence instead of taking it. Sadly, there is no videographic or photographic proof of us jumping 2'6+ oxers.

I learned a lot. I learned that I think too much (though I'm pretty sure I already knew this). I learned that the two-point is simply an extension of what your seat should be while sitting in "normal" huntseat position. I learned that I have the most faithful horse in the entire freaking world. I learned that I will look for things to be scared of to try to get out of doing something I'm already nervous about. I learned that a 2'6 oxer at a clinic looks the same as an 18" vertical does at home thanks to fillers. I learned that if people tell me to suck it up and do it, I will (yet again, something I'm sure I already knew).

I learned more, don't worry, but those are the only things coming to mind right about now. Next stop, kicking the pants off the 2' division at the next Over Fences show.

1 comment:

  1. As your friend I'll nod my head, pretending to comprehend the significance of this feat, and encourage you to aspire to such performances in the future! =)
