Monday, November 1, 2010

I've been bad

I know, I know, I’ve been really bad about posting. I thought I’d be better about it what with having rehearsal every Sunday, but apparently that hasn’t made me any better about keeping up with my blog. I’m sorry to all you loyal followers (all what, one of you?). I keep promising that I’ll try to be better about it in the future, but as my English professor says: “There are no absolutes, only broken promises.” Perhaps if I stop promising it will begin to happen.
And now for something completely different.
Miss Seattle 2011 will be crowned in just 5 days. This is the most excited I have ever been in my life, but also the most terrified. The emotions that flowed through my body yesterday at rehearsal were too numerous to count as everything happened all at once. My interview improved ten-fold in my opinion from the first mock to the second, I just need to brush up on some political topics. I feel so much more confident in my walks and the opening number dance. I can’t believe that it’s less than a week away, the time has flown by, it’s ridiculous.
The worst part about all of this is that after next week I won’t be seeing this amazing group of girls every week anymore. We’re more than just competitors, we’re friends. We’re all cheering for each other, and I’m sure we each have a favorite selected in our minds (I know I have mine). I don’t want to give up weekly rehearsals, and by the sounds of it, everyone else has the same feelings!
Erin flies into Eugene on Wednesday and I have so many things to do before Friday’s dress rehearsal, as well as finding time to go to class! I’m not sure I’ll have time to sleep this week, but I’m going to try to find time for myself and make this week about just making myself happy and feeling like me. If that means listening to Taylor Swift 24/7, then so be it! By the way, her new Speak Now album is AMAZING. Just sayin’.
Well, that’s about all I’ve got. I’m not going to promise to try to be better about posting, but I’ll say that I’ll try to THINK about posting more. How’s that sound?

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