Friday, July 8, 2011

My Bucket List

So I've been thinking. I want to change the world, right? Right. Well, what better way to do than by doing things that make me happy and inspiring people to do the same? Exactly, I can't think of one. I can promote my platform day and night, and I still will, but the only way to truly change someone is by making them happy about who they are. So new goal in life. Read on.

About 6 months ago I began making a bucket list. I started it after I saw the movie with Morgan Freeman, and I realized that life is short, and I didn't want to wait until I found out I was dying to realize I had missed out on all these amazing things in life. So at 20, I began a list of things I wanted to do before I died. I'll often add to the list, and today I brought it up to #100. One of the things on my list is to inspire 10 other people to start their own lists.

The most important thing about a bucket list is that it's not just things you might find cool, or fun to do. It's things that will make you happy, or bring joy to your life. I mean, the two aren't mutually exclusive, obviously they can be cool and fun as well, but that's not the purpose of the list.

To keep you on your toes, I'm going to keep my entire list a secret and just document things as I accomplish them. Some things will be able to be document via photo or video, and some you'll just have to take my word on. But I'll give you some ideas on what to put on yours. I have everything from Try Yoga (#96) to Tour Europe (#6) to Volunteer in a 3rd World Country (#91). Quite the span of things. Now onto the things I've accomplished.

#4 - Be a size 6. (June 2011)
#15 - Date a good guy. (December 2010-May 2011)
#16 - Have picture I've taken published in a national magazine. (February 2009)
#39 - Have a walk in closet. (June 2011)
#54 - Have picture I've taken published on the cover of a magazine. (November 2010)
#62 - See a play on Broadway in New York. (July 2007)

So that's it. 10 down, 90 to go. Until I add more, that is. I'll add more pictures as I find them, and more accomplishments as I do them.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool, maybe I will start a bucket list too! You at least got me thinking. Life is to short. Even at 48 when I am looking at the last half of my life I wonder...If I had done some things different would I be a different person. I like the person I am but who could I have been? Everything we do shapes who we are..I have no regrets, I love my girls and my family. That includes you! Just wonder!
